Thursday, January 12, 2012


Well I survived week 1 with very few "cheats" but I need to step up my vegetable portions if I really want to lose anything. I have been pretty good with my green smoothies. I surprisingly have seen a few articles on celebrities drinking green smoothies. Kind of reassuring that its going to work.

Some friends have asked me what I have been putting in my smoothies ...
8oz cold water
1 whole banana (my blender is fantastic)
6 strawberries OR half a mango with a few chunks of pineapple
and 1 cup of raw spinach
I prefer strawberries the most because their seeds kind of disguise the taste of spinach if i didn't get it blended enough. The blender/ food processor I purchased is a NINJA blender ...and it is amazing I bought the cheaper version of it that does have its own stand it has a blender attached to the top instead of the bottom purchased for $37 at Walmart. Totally worth the investment to have good equipment especially in the kitchen. Now onto what am I doing for exercise? Well EVERYTHING go on to my trainer's website and she has videos of some of the activities that we do!  Alicia is fabulous and I had to steal this picture from her Facebook of her Christmas workout which I wasn't a part of sadly but we complete workouts like these each week.
Last night we did the best work out I have ever had through my back and biceps... We used the strechy ropes with handles and they were absolutely killer. I have a LOVE/HATE relationship to waking up sore the next morning. and to be honest the only way I can get rid of being sore is to go to another class!!

So in my before picture post I didn't include anythign about my ideal/Goal weight ... I have posted this above my light switch next to my door ... I have the pleasure of reading it first thing in the morning and when I go to bed ... and truthfully I say it OUT LOUD to myself everytime. My goal my be a little abitious but its something to aim for.  Another goal/ challenge that I am doign this year is completing my first half marathon 13.1 miles ... I want to join the car sticker club of 13.1 on my car. lol so I am only 40ish days away from my Disney Princess HALF Marathon. I have my friend Juliana to thank for gettign me to sign up for this adventure. I don't really have a specific time in mind just to finish with out gettign picked up by teh loser bus. To date I have only done 6 miles which is just under half of what I will be doing next month so I probably should pick it up and get a 9 mile run in the next two weeks and a 12 mile in two weeks prior.

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