Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lets get a foundation of where my roller coaster has started.

Well since this is what I really look for when I look at blogs. Here are pictures of me from happier weight times.
Starting at high school prom April 2007. Mind you for this look I did my first weight loss program and did body wraps to lose weight before prom. This is by far the best I have ever looked. Would love to get back to that weight. Here I was probably around 138-140.
This is me only a few months later at graduation gained a few pounds if i remembered correctly.
summer B my very first semester of college
a little weight was gained through summer be but this is my Sunday before Fall semester started.
My first Chi Omega Formal same dress as prom you can tell the slow progression of weight through my chest. But I would still take this weight any day now.
This is our first family weekend I am putting this one in because I have a follow up one for the next year.

this is probably one of my two bikini pictures that I have. this would be spring break cruise and it involved a long visit to the senor frog. 
The end of Freshmen year a trip to KY... my bestie is tiny and I love her to pieces. I wish I wouldn't have compared my body to hers as much in high school. We are two different body types and I should have loved my body more. This summer before I went up to go see her I lived alone for the first time and  I think that because I had no one watching me that it gave me the excuse to eat absolute SHIT. I ate fast 75% of the week and this was the deterioration of my body. You will see the major gain in my face in the next picture.

Here is Bid day August 2008 you can tell my face is puffy my arms are not nearly as defined.  This is our first social of the semester just a week later. I like to give you both types of pictures where I have on makeup and done up and a little less glamourous pictures.

Here is family weekend 2008... yep you can certainly tell. 
here is my first little Jessica P. Love her to death we are the WILD branch hence my leopard branch.
By Halloween I started to be more aware of my weight and started taking some spin classes.
Sophomore formal this is my last picture taken while at school from my first major diet. 

Here I am exactly one week after my diet at medi weightless I lost 11lbs. I didn't eat hardly anything and only had champagne for the toast
This is my boyfriend Peter and I a year and a half before we started dating!! I went home with the wrong guy that night! but we still look super Hot together
I am pretty sure that by my spring break that I spent in England with at the time boyfriend (he was a groomsmen in the wedding i attended after the wedding ... he only knew me skinny so I had to keep up the hard work on my diet) look how freaking tiny my waist is here. 

Well to make a long story short we will move on to my birthday where I stopped losing weight and kinda of got too comfortable.  and we will conclude SOPHOMORE YEAR at this. 

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