Tuesday, January 17, 2012

catching up

Well this weekend I wish I could report that I was super disciplined and didn't cheat at all ... but that would be lying. Peter (my boyfriend) came to visit me and not that he made it hard to stay healthy he just makes it easy to cheat with food. It was also a chilly Saturday and so therefore I slept in and didn't quite make it to boot camp or yoga which I heard they were quite cold for stretching. But I did go to a yummy breakfast on Park Ave and we walked around the shops. We also paid a visit to the farmers market where I purchased Winter Park honey which is my favorite and for those of you who didn't know they say that consuming honey from a local source is better for your immune system and allergies. Peter and I had a very lazy Saturday which I feel slightly guilty about because he had planned a date day for me ... Frisbee/disk golf and a picnic but I took a rain check for a date with warmer weather. We did however get to go out to Bahama Breeze and Howl at the Moon where we had a surprising performance by a patron who requested the LMFAO I'm sexy and I Know It and then proceeded to strip down to the tiniest man thong I had ever seen I was mortified as we were sitting in the front tables closest to the stage. There was entirely too much jumping and bouncing around for my liking. None the less had a great time. Back to meal planning. I found a groupon for this great website called www.e-mealz.com

I wanted to post this screen shot because it is a Dave Ramsey recommend program. So here's what it is they send you twelve months of meals planning I want to say each week and you can tailor your meal plan to on a diet shopping at walmart. Or table for 1 or 2 shopping at Publix. The great part about this program that I find most exciting is that they go off of that weeks advertised sales. So the BOGO sales that Publix has you get to take advantage of. They try to make your meal plan cost around $45 per week and that is 5 meals you cook your self and have left overs for your lunch or dinner the next night. So not only do they do the budgeting for you they select the meals for you give you a shopping list and give you the recipes. Erin and I are splitting the groupon for $29 so less than $15 a person and we can take turns cooking each night so we don't over crowd our refrigerator and save some money.

So now you might be asking well what about your old meal plan. I am still going to be incorporating in my green smoothies in the morning and the snacks they suggest. But I am going to allow my self to have a little bit more variety and have some a few more carbs. After all I am training for Princess. [ by the way I am getting really nervous about].

I am excited to be running a 5k with some friend this weekend. This will be my third time running in the Seasons 5.2k  so last year's time for the race was 35:42 minutes which is 11:02 pace. I would really really like to finish in under 33:00 minutes. I really think if I can get over the pains in my shin I can do it! Running with me I will have Peter, my best friend Annie, Ryan her fiance who has been training to run with the couch to 5k app and who has quit smoking this year [I am really proud of him], and our friend John. with out a doubt John will smoke us all with his natural athletic ability. I would like to have a Personal Best for this race but we will see how it goes. And for those of you who have never Ran of Walked the Season's 5.2k before you should totally register it is seriously one of the most beautiful courses in central Florida it takes you all around Park Ave and gorgeous Winter Park homes. 

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