Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Well I have reached the end of the first month of giving back those "COLLEGE LBs".


Feelings about Life: I am still on a high from putting myself out there and feeling motivated and encouraged. I love that I have been hearing from more friends since I have started this blog and journey. I have friends participating in different activities with me. I get check in text/FB messages from friends from out of state. (Shout out LS  and JP) It makes me feel good that I have inspired people to get up and do something.

Feelings about self image: I think that we all have struggled with our self image at one point of another. I think that some times numbers aren't going to show how good you feel about your performance. So to those of you who are like me who maybe from week to week aren't seeing a "number" change, don't let it define you and PUT THE SCALE AWAY... Having those jeans fit a little looser than usual feels better to me than any number on the scale and I found this picture on pinterest. It hit home with me. -->

Peak of the month: my initiative to start has certainly been my peak of the month. I think that starting this blog has held me more accountable than I ever could have thought. and I haven't had a soda since December 31st,  2011
Pit of the month: not giving 100% the entire month... I pray for more self control in the upcoming month to not give in to temptation and cravings.

Favorite foods: GREEN Smoothie is a new love of mine.

Unhealthy Cravings: dairy... ice cream, frozen yogurt, cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, and publix chocolate chip cookies, and I have had an unhealthy craving for Party Flavors Cake (They are the most fabulous cake company that we use for about 80% of our weddings. Highly recommend them)

Favorite Exercise: I love a but exercise we do in boot camp where we lay on our side and lift one leg up and down while turning our foot toward the ground and then repeating the same motion but only going half way down. Its AMAZING. I try to do them every night (I will not be posting a butt shot but you can take my word that my butt is getting firmer.)
Least Favorite Exercise: The infamous Burpee I can't stand them. anyone who has done them knows why. and Pistol squats to me are pure torture

Previous Weight 201 lbs
New Weight: 195.0
Total Lbs given back : -6 lbs
Total Lbs to go: 40 lbs
Percentage complete: 13%

Next Month's Goal: to give back 8 pounds and be at 187 lbs

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