Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Well here goes nothing I am back on the bandwagon ready to start again. lets catch up shall we.
I changed jobs to work another area of the event field. Worked quite a bit and started missing more and more work outs. I stressed out and was eating meals at the French Cafe next to work. I was eating later. Not getting in my 100 ounces of water each day. AND THEN I QUIT. I quit my job, I quite caring, and quite being nice to my body.

I have recently moved home at the end of June. I was jobless for five weeks. Let me tell you that is rough not having any money, nothing to do, and the only people to hang out with is your fam. Don't get me wrong I love my family (mom and dad) but they aren't my Chi O sisters. However something amazing did happen the third week home. My cousin Jere gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Pandora. I witnessed the whole labor/birthing process. I held Jere's legs back as Pannie entered the world. I was completely shocked that I could watch. Usually I get a little queazy when it comes to watching Grey's Anatomy.

I recently took a position at EyeGlassWorld as an Optometric Tech. I really like it there are people my age that work there and I am around people again. I forgot to mention in my spare time of being jobless I volunteered at the food bank and a soup kitchen. If I can give any advice to someone who is with out a job keep applying and volunteer in your time off. You stay busy, you meet new people and you can network with people you may have never come across otherwise.

Any who. I will be starting Medi Weightloss again tomorrow. I am very excited about it because it really does work. I have done this program before but always seemed to run out of money before I got to the maintenance phase. I am determined this go round that I can do it. I will be sure to post my measurements if I get my appointment tomorrow and post my starting weight and measurements.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Princess weekend!

well I have had nearly three weeks off from blogging ... life has just been busy! But I will start back where I left off and fill in the skipped weeks hopefully by Thursday

Well I am just going to go ahead and post my favorite princess pics!

my fairy god mother age me pixie dust to run faster
fairy tale running

we had a great weekend in the Parks with my parents and Peter

can you spot the most excited runner in this picture ... oh wait its me!

my early morning chEAR squared
I love how proud my dad looks!

My A-Rae cheerleader!

me and juliana made it to the castle
Me and Coonsy

Sunday, February 26, 2012

week 8 update

Made it to week EIGHT this week. It was a week of extra carbs to prepare for my half marathon. so I have eaten quite a few things not on the plan. rice pasta ... cinnamon roll :/ (yikes kind of regretted that) but also had yummy chicken spicy sausage and some baked tilapia.

I'll be weighing in on Thursday Morning for my one month update. I am getting back into my routine Monday morning my hopes is to move around as much as possible so I don't let the acid from my muscle settle in and get too comfortable. I am going to be putting together my half marathon post when I gather some more pictures!! but let me tell you I had sooo much FUN! OH and I wore my minnie mouse head band and shoes with red and white polka dots! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week leading up to princess 1/2 marathon!

Well I wanted to figure out which disney princess I am before the race and according to Disney's Princess quiz I am duhduhnahnah Belle!

How convenient .... about 17 years ago I was Belle.

No picture will be taken this week I am not feeling great and made a mistake of getting on the scale and feeling a little discouraged. "Womanly always discouraged never" is a work in progress. And of course I had a nightmare that I didn't make it to my race. But I am trying to stay positive. I know I will finish.  I know I will finish. 
Good news! I finally made it to a Saturday work out. I had Bootcamp at 8:30 where we did nine sprints down the track and we did lots of biceps/ triceps exercises, with some inchworms and the dreaded double unders (I swear I try really hard to get double unders but haven't mastered them yet.) Following my bootcamp I tried yoga for the first time!  I really liked it! I found it challenging... my body isn't all that flexible but more flexible than I thought it was. I understand how it can be a workout now. It was a very foggy day so were essentially working out in a cloud and we were all absolutely drenched in sweat. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day Recap

Recap of my weekend so far. I had the pleasure of a short road trip up to Inverness to see a friends band perform. Taking Anderson Live. They were great!
Organic strawberry Beer from the pub

On Monday I was surprised to have a bouquet of flowers delivered to work.
My mom and dad sent me a card with my favorite Winnie the Pooh quote. 
This cake is most certainly NOT on the meal plan and I am sure Alicia is going to have to kick my butt at bootcamp for making it. But Peter really liked it he said I needed to give his mom the recipe and I told him no I can be the only one to make it but no more than three times a year.
Peter Surprised me with another bouquet with my favorite flower in it. Hydrangeas I think are just gorgeous. 
I had a valentine project I sent to a few of my friends and family this year!
I hot glued a flower on to a clothes pin then added a magnet strip to the back. 

Hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day. Now getting back on track. Workout double here I come. I have got to get some good runs in this week and next. I eleven days away from the big day. (Peter's card had Minnie and Mickey on it.)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekly Update

 Well another week down. Still seeing some changes... Jeans are fitting looser, went down to a medium sports bra. Boot Camp has been going great. I had a personal best of 22 floppy burpees in 1 minute. I literally just told myself don't stop and I didn't ... I really don't know if I could have gone any faster. There was one camper in the earlier class that got 27 in one minute. [Impressed]

This weekend I am going to do some budgeting and see if I can budget in starting Weight Watchers. I think I need a little more accountability on my eating regimen. Because Lord knows I got the working out part down. I have truly managed to work out five days a week. I am watching biggest loser NO excuses, and I am sure they will have an episode on I don't have time to work out. I would like to beg to differ. I work four jobs and I manage to find time to work out even if it is a 6am or 7pm. I find that I can sleep a lot better on days that I work out than on days that I do not. Sundays and Tuesdays are my recovery day and Saturday are my at home or alternative work out days.

I think I am starting to rant. So I will sign off and get to work on that christmas tree that is still hanging out in my dinning room.

PS tomorrow I will be running in a 5k benefitting Make A Wish Foundation ... I was on the committee that started the race four years ago so here is my shout out to Race.Love.Wish

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fitness Test Monday

Well today at Forte Fitness we have our first monday of the month fitness test. consists of a half mile run followed by 2 minutes worth of squats, 2 minutes worth of push ups and 2 minutes worth of sit ups... I feel like I was doing my presidential physical fitness test in 1997. I will have you know in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, I was the fastest girl earning the blue patch. SO how did I measure up today ...
I managed a 4.24 half mile run.
71 squats 
20 push ups (wahhhwahh)
57 sit-ups
Wish I would have recorded what I did my first day but since I was detoxing I only did a 1/4 mile run and I think I was in pain because I don't recall doing my squats of push ups and I'm pretty sure I did crunches.

Excited to see what next months improvements will bring!