Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Well here goes nothing I am back on the bandwagon ready to start again. lets catch up shall we.
I changed jobs to work another area of the event field. Worked quite a bit and started missing more and more work outs. I stressed out and was eating meals at the French Cafe next to work. I was eating later. Not getting in my 100 ounces of water each day. AND THEN I QUIT. I quit my job, I quite caring, and quite being nice to my body.

I have recently moved home at the end of June. I was jobless for five weeks. Let me tell you that is rough not having any money, nothing to do, and the only people to hang out with is your fam. Don't get me wrong I love my family (mom and dad) but they aren't my Chi O sisters. However something amazing did happen the third week home. My cousin Jere gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Pandora. I witnessed the whole labor/birthing process. I held Jere's legs back as Pannie entered the world. I was completely shocked that I could watch. Usually I get a little queazy when it comes to watching Grey's Anatomy.

I recently took a position at EyeGlassWorld as an Optometric Tech. I really like it there are people my age that work there and I am around people again. I forgot to mention in my spare time of being jobless I volunteered at the food bank and a soup kitchen. If I can give any advice to someone who is with out a job keep applying and volunteer in your time off. You stay busy, you meet new people and you can network with people you may have never come across otherwise.

Any who. I will be starting Medi Weightloss again tomorrow. I am very excited about it because it really does work. I have done this program before but always seemed to run out of money before I got to the maintenance phase. I am determined this go round that I can do it. I will be sure to post my measurements if I get my appointment tomorrow and post my starting weight and measurements.